a) registered in mewat, Haryana, sending goods in
cyber hub in Gurgaon for exhibition cum sale, shall continue for 3-4 days, query
1)that goods to be sent on delivery challan and e way bill ( as and when
applicable ) for intra state goods.
2)that when goods sold at cyber hub, then invoice to be issued from what address
3) since in same state, casual registration is not applicable, pl confirm.
4) return of unsold goods to be trnasported back in what manner
Point wise reply is as follow
1 Send goods under delivery challan and EWB (take under category of sale on approval basis also mention about exhibition)
2 In case of sale issue invoice give note on the invoice about sale from exhibition
3 Yes no need for CTP (casual taxable person) in same state
4 Return goods under cover of challan and EWB mention in description unsold goods return from exhibition
Note There is no specific procedure given for these situations so this is suggested on the basis of practical working (Reply dt. 18/4/2018)