Question 21:

The supply for the Month of January is Rs 100000 and IGST 18000 The Credit notes issued against previous bills raised under GST are for Rs 2,00,000 and reversal of GSt was Rs 36000.

The above make the turnover and tax figure negative for the Month of January 2018.

How to report the same in 3B


Taxable supplies  for the purpose GSTR-3b is Value of invoices + value of Debit Notes – value of credit notes + value of advances received for which invoices have not been issued in the same month – value of advances adjusted against invoices.

according to above your turnover is Negative. so our suggestion is  you will file Nil  GSTR-3B return for the January month   andyou can subtract unavailed credit notes of (approx Rs 100000)  from succeeding month GSTR-3B. because GSTR-3b is summary return and does not require details of invoice or credit notes/Debit notes.

But the details of invoice and credit notes and debit notes issued during tax period shall be correctly shown in relevant periods GSTR-1 and GSTR-2. .(REPLY dt. 17/2/2018)