Whether supply during July-17, Aug-17 against E.P.C.G, is eligible for claiming refund under notification 49-2017-CGST? If yes, how to obtain evidence at Sr.1 i.e. acknowledgement by the jurisdictional tax officer, if unit is not EOU?
The EPCG Authorisation is issued for import of
Capital goods. On the other hand the refund of CGST is on account of tax paid on
inputs and input services.
These two schemes are entirely different. If you are exporting any product then
you should mention EPCG Authorisation number on Shipping Bill to achieve the
export obligation. With this CGST refund can be claimed.
You are writing that the unit is not EOU. This point is not clear. Please
mention the status of supplier, status of receiver and nature of export for
giving further reply. (Reply dt.25/07/2018)