Kindly advice me procedure to claim adjustment for vat paid in advance. trans 1 form could not be filed for claim. you are further requested to guide me to get casual registration under GST for 7 months period. Will I have to pay advance GST for entire contract amount.


There are various judgments pronounced by Honorable court which permit credit of ITC if the TRAN-1 was attempted to file but could not get through because of any technical problem of Portal. But in no case the credit is allowed without attempting of TRAN -1. This will be different case and writ is required to be filled if the amount is good. Please contact us we are making group of aggrieved peoples for this issue.
2. The registration as casual taxable person is valid for a period of ninety days with further extension of ninety days. It is not for 7 month. (Reply dt. 24/4/2018)