Elaborate the procedure of Exit from EOU What duties are payable on indigenous/ imported raw material and Capital Goods procured duty free in CT-3/ procurement Certificate in GST regime. I mean to say CGST, IGST or SGST. Please elaborate.
For exit from EOU the procedure is given in FTP
Chapter 6 vide para 6.18.
The relevant Circular are following:
1. Policy Circular No. 79 (RE-2008)/2004-2009 dated 1/4/2009.
2. Policy Circular No. 84 (RE-2008)/2004-2009 dated 30/4/2009.
Please note that it is a theoritical part only. Conversion of EOU to DTA needs
experience of practical working also.
The Company should take help of seasoned professional for conversion work.
(Reply dt.28/08/2018)