[See rule 139 (2)]

Whereas an inspection under sub-section (1)/search under sub-section (2) of Section 67 was conducted by me on __/__/____ at __:__ AM/PM in the following premise(s):

<<Details of premises>>

which is/are a place/places of business/premises belonging to:

<<Name of Person>>
<<GSTIN, if registered>>

in the presence of following witness(es):
    1. <<Name and address>>
    2. <<Name and address>>

and on scrutiny of the books of accounts, registers, documents / papers and goods found during the inspection/search, I have reasons to believe that certain goods liable to confiscation and/or documents and/or books and/or things useful for or relevant to proceedings under this Act are secreted in place(s) mentioned above.

Therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred upon me under sub-section (2) of section 67, I hereby seize the following goods/ books/ documents and things:

A) Details of Goods seized:

Sr. No Description of goods Quantity or units Make/mark or model Make/mark or model
1 2 3 4 5

B) Details of books / documents / things seized:

Sr. No Description of books / documents / things seized No. of books / documents / things seized Remarks
1 2 3 4

and these goods and or things are being handed over for safe upkeep to:

<<Name and address>>

with a direction that he shall not remove, part with, or otherwise deal with the goods or things except with the previous permission of the undersigned.

Name and Designation of the Officer


Signature of the Witnesses

Sr. No Name and address Signature
1 2 3

<<Name and address>>